« Jezus klopt aan bij de V.N. ».
Dit schilderij is gemaakt door de welbekende artiest Harry Anderson.
“Als jullie denken dat het verkeerd is om de Heer te dienen, kies dan vandaag wie jullie wél willen dienen. De goden die jullie voorvaders aan de overkant van de Rivier aanbaden, of de goden van de Amorieten van het land hier. Maar ík en mijn familie zullen de Heer dienen!” Jozua 24:15
Anderen vertrouwen op de machten en autoriteiten van deze wereld voor hun redding, voor hun vertrouwen, voor hun vrede, maar wij kiezen voor de HEERE ….
Jesus Goes To The U.N. This is a painting done by well known artist Harry Anderson
Though the picture has a very dated look to it, it illustrates the dramatic contrast between worldly interpretation of power and peace and the New testament values of power and peace of Christ.
The figure of Christ tapping on the UN windows, to catch the attention of the world leaders to his presence in the world, to remind them of other values , other than economics or military interventions.
Even the tiny people walking the street or driving their cars are unaware of the immense presence of Christ standing amongst them.
Jesus brought the good news, not a religious or political system. He revealed himself first to those who were most dogmatic and legalistic, to bring them freedom from systematic faith, as they had not perceived the spirit of love was the kernel of their faith and Gods nature.
Let us examine within ourselves, after the interruption of the Covid. pandemic on how we live our life of faith.
Did we experience peace and confidence in Jesus during this time ?
Where we empowered by the Holy Spirit to reach out to others with the good news ?
What will history say of the church , of the followers of Christ during this period ?
We have to take responsibility for ourselves .
As for my family and me, we will serve the LORD. But if you don’t want to serve the LORD, then choose today whom you will serve. Even if you choose the gods your ancestors served on the other side of the Euphrates or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you live, my family and I will still serve the LORD.”
Joshua 24:15
Others may rely on the powers and authorities of this world for their salvation, for their confidence, for their peace, But we instead choose the LORD….